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We are family...we are King's Church

Belonging to a church family.

Belonging to a church is not about maintaining's about being family. Whether someone is younger or older, single or married, whether they have children or doesn't matter here. You might have been at King's for years....or just 5 minutes. You belong.

We are family. Everyone is valued the same. We may have different roles to play in the family...that's good and it's healthy. We encourage each other to become all that God has called us to be - and we grow together. 

One body - different parts... authentic one-another church.

No-one is more important than anyone else.  We are all different parts, with different roles to fulfil. We need each other to be complete.


We want to be an authentic "one-another" church. We want to be a church that sticks by each other, that loves one-another, that serves one-another, that prefers one-another.  We will encourage each other to grow in our faith, we will support each other in times of trouble.


We will work through differences, rather than just run away, or fall out.  We want our relationships to be robust enough to weather storms, and to delight in knowing each other and being together.


We are not clones of each other. We are who we Christ. He knits us together.


He hasn't finished yet....we are a work in progress.

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