Vision @ King's
"Vision is essential for survival."
"It is spawned by faith, sustained by hope,
sparked by imagination and strengthened by enthusiasm.
It is greater than sight, deeper than a dream,
broader than an idea.
Vision encompasses vast vistas outside the
realm of the predictable, the safe, the expected.
No wonder we perish without it!"
Charles Swindoll
* We sense that God has placed us in the Blenheim Community to make a difference. We also believe we can be a blessing to the whole town.
* We know God has given us really good relationships with other churches, so together we can express His Kingdom, and bless the whole Borough of Southend. Churches Together in Leigh and Love Southend are expressions of this.
* We sense God wants King's Church to be a strong, mature church - where people grow in their relationship with Him and are effective and productive in their knowledge of Him.
* We believe God has spoken prophetically over the church (and individuals within the church) and we are shaped by these words.
* We believe God will grow the church through Gospel ministry both through individual members and church-wide activity.
* We also greatly value and appreciate our work with other churches beyond the Borough boundary into the region and into other nations in partnership with other churches in the Relational Mission family.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
Proverbs 29:18