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Welcome to...

King's Church Southend

a work in progress - seeking to be all Jesus intended!

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We meet each Sunday at St Cedd's at 10.15am starting with tea and coffee

Sorry for any inconvenience...

"King's on Tour..." Due to building work at St Cedd's we are joining with other churches for the next 3 Sundays.

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Every Wednesday...

Praying for the King's Church family;

the other congregations in our area and city;

our region and our nation.


Coming up in February...

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Thursday 13th February..

7.00pm - 9.00pm @ St John's in the City

Praying together with Christians from other churches

for the whole city

Where to find King's Church Southend...

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We meet in St Cedd's on Bridgwater Drive.

Feel free to visit.

Starting with refreshments at 10.15am

Church2Gether beginning at 10.30am - 12.30pm

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Maybe King's Church could be your church family?

Just visiting?

Visiting King's Church Southend for the first time?

Maybe you just dropped by to see what's out there?


Maybe you've just moved into the area and are looking for a church family to join? Or perhaps you're at the start of a journey of faith and want to know more about Jesus?

Maybe you could already be a Christian - but feel the need to grow in your faith, grow in your walk with Jesus, grow in your grasp of the Bible, and grow in the life the Spirit brings...and to belong somewhere that is wanting those things too?

In a nutshell...

King's Church Southend....looks to be a church family that is kingdom minded,  living in the power of the Spirit, where salvation is through Jesus in the Gospel, and where being a family together is vital


We have a passion  to grow in our faith and to deepen our love for the Word of God, and its impact in our lives. We have hearts to worship God in all circumstances. In these days we are learning the value and necessity of leaning in on Him.


Because of Jesus, we have good reason to become a church where He is at the centre, and a church that makes a real  difference to the people in our community and city.

King's Church Southend is not the finished product...we are a work in progress. We are still pioneering in many ways. But God seems to be up to something. We appear to be gathering folks from different nations. India; Romania; Zimbabwe; Nigeria; Nepal; Wales and England..and still more coming. The important thing is we are ONE family. Our national identity is in Him.

In short....King's Church Southend is a church family where knowing and loving Jesus makes all the difference.

Maybe God is indicating you could be with us on the journey? 

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